法国A+ 室内空气VOC检测
If this is the first time youreexposed to this topic, you may want to know what VOC emissiontesting involves. In short, many indoor building products containorganic chemicals, which will evaporate and pollute the indoor air.As a result, the occupants of the building are exposed toinhalation. These volatile organic compounds (VOCs) exist inproducts in the form of residual solvents, chemical reaction ordissociation products, purposeful additives and manufacturingpollutants. Emission tests measure the rate at which VOCs arereleased into the indoor air. VOCs of potential concerninclude:
慢性全身毒素,如甲苯、苯乙烯、苯酚和萘:Chronic systemictoxins such as toluene, styrene, phenol and naphthalene
致癌物、诱变物和致畸物,由国际研究机构、国家毒理学计划关于致癌物的报告和CA第65号提案定义Carcinogens,mutagens and teratogens are defined by international researchinstitutions, the National Toxicology Program report on carcinogensand Ca proposal No. 65
感官刺激;Sensory stimulation
·在24、48和96小时的室内试验中收集VOCs和醛类的空气样品;·Air samples of VOCs andaldehydes were collected in 24, 48 and 96 hour indoor tests
·对产品排放到空气中的VOCs进行识别和定量分析,重点关注VOCs;·The VOCs emitted into the airare identified and analyzed with emphasis onVOCs
·VOC分析结果建模,预测标准建筑场景(办公室、学校教室和可选单户住宅)中VOC浓度;·VOC analysis resultswere modeled to predict VOC concentrations in standard buildingscenarios (offices, school classrooms, and optional single familyhomes)
·与慢性健康指南相关的模型浓度;·Assessment of modelconcentrations associated with chronic health guidelines
·调查气味问题;NB works with manufacturersto develop specific VOC emission testing plans for control(QC) and other objectives, such as:·Investigate odor problems
Test or certification info测试和认证相关内容:
Norm refer 涉及法规:
检测标准涉及ISO 16000的四个部分:
ISO 16000-3:Indoor air -- Part 3:Determination of formaldehyde and other carbonyl compounds inindoor air and test chamber air -- Active sampling method;室内空气--第3部分:测定室内空气和实验舱空气中和其它羰基化合物--活性取样法
ISO 16000-6:Indoor air -- Part 6:Determination of volatile organic compounds in indoor and testchamber air by active sampling on Tenax TA sorbent, thermaldesorption and gas chromatography using MS or MS-FID;室内空气--第6部分:通过TenaxTA吸附剂、热解吸以及使用质谱(MS)或质谱-火焰离子化检测器(MS-FID)的气相色谱主动取样来测定室内和实验舱空气中的挥发性有机化合物
ISO 16000-9:Indoor air -- Part 9:Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds frombuilding products and furnishing -- -- Emission test chambermethod; 室内空气--第9部分: 建筑产品及家具散发的挥发性有机混合物发散量测定-实验舱法
ISO 16000-11:Indoor air - Part 11:Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds frombuilding products and furnishing - Sampling, storage of samples andpreparation of test specimens;室内空气.第11部分:建筑产品和家具释放挥发性有机化合物的测定.取样、样品储藏和试验样品的准备;
Refer products 涉及产品:
法国挥发性有机化合物 (VOC) 法规规定以下建材产品要有强制性标签:?墙壁, 天花板, 地板覆盖物和涂料, ? 房间间隔板和垂吊式天花板, ? 隔热及隔音产品, ? 门窗, ? 所有用于安装以上建材的产品该法规不包括未经处理的金属, 玻璃, 储物柜,铁, 螺丝等。
周期: 常规服务 35 工作日