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平顶山EN 45545相关标准测试哪里可以做_办理机构-要求-费用介绍


EN45545相关标准CEN/TSEN45545-Fire protection of railway vehicles 轨道车辆防火保护。CEN/TS EN45545-1 Part1: General 轨道车辆防火通用条款。CEN/TS EN45545-2 Part2: Re for fire behaviour ofmaterials and components 材料和元件的燃烧性能要求。CEN/TS EN45545-3 Part3: Fire resistance re for firebarriers and partitions 防火板的阻燃要求。CEN/TS EN45545-5 Part5: Fire safety re for electricale including that of trolley buses, track guided andmagnetic levitation vehicles 无轨电车,有轨电车和磁悬浮列车电子电气设备的防火安全要求。CEN/TS EN45545-6 Part 6: Fire control and management system防火控制和管理体系。CEN/TS EN45545-7 Part7: Fire safety re for flammableliquid and flammable gas installations可燃气体和可燃液体安装时的防火安全要求。
